
The Excalibur-project consists of 3 randomized control trials, Excalibur 1-3, and is conducted at Oslo University Hospital, Department of HPB-surgery. The project aims to increase overall survival for patients with extensive colorectal livermetastasis and insufficient response to 1st line chemotherapy. This group have a dismal prognosis, with current OS at 10-14 months.

  • Excalibur 1 will randomize eligible patients to 1 of 3 treatment-arms. These arms will be HAI, transplantation or 2nd line chemotherapy.

  • Excalibur 2 will be similar to Excalibur 1, but without the transplantation arm, allowing for somewhat broader inclusion criteria.

  • Excalibur 3 is completely separate from 1 and 2, and is a randomized control randomizing patients with extensive colorectal livermetastisis, progression on 1st line chemotherapy and resectable disease, to either surgery and 2nd line chemotherapy or just 2nd line chemotherapy with primary endpoint being overall survival at 2 years.